Information about the GDPR

Information concerning personal data processing

Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data, i.e. the entity that will decide how your personal data will be used, is INDIGO NAILS spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Łódź, Poland, at ul. Senatorska 14/16, 93-192 Łódź, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, 20th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS number: 0001099337, holder of the following VAT number: 7272792881 and National Official Business Register number (REGON): 528319750.

How can you contact us for more information about the processing of your personal data?

You can contact us:

by e-mail with our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
by phone: +48 42 715 80 16
in writing to the address of our registered office indicated above

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data because it is necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract for the provision of electronic services.

Alternatively, we also process your data for the purpose of concluding and performing a sales contract (remotely) concerning goods available in our online shop. In addition, in the case of a sales contract, legal regulations require us to process your personal data for tax and accounting purposes.

We also process your personal data for the purposes indicated below, based on the legitimate interest of Indigo Nails sp. z o.o., i.e.:

handling complaints that may be made by you in connection with the purchase of goods in our shop;
asserting or defending against claims arising as a result of the conclusion of the aforementioned contracts;
marketing of products and services, including for analytical and statistical purposes;
contacting with you, including for purposes related to permitted marketing activities, through available channels of communication, in particular and with your consent – by e-mail and telephone;

In order to direct a personalised, individual marketing offer of INDIGO products in an automated manner on the basis of the profiling carried out – the basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We store your personal data for the duration of the contract concluded with you, as well as after its termination, for the following purposes:

asserting claims in conjunction with the performance of the sales contract;
performing legal obligations, including in particular tax and accounting obligations;

for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of completion of the contract.

We store your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, including for analytical and statistical purposes, until you object to such processing.

Who will your personal data be transferred to?

Your personal data may be transferred to entities supporting us in concluding and performing the contracts referred to above, as well as in asserting or defending against claims, in performing obligations arising from the provisions of law, and also supporting us in providing marketing services, including in particular: entities providing advisory, consulting, audit, legal, tax, accounting assistance, research agencies operating on our behalf, Poczta Polska (Polish Post), courier companies, IT service providers, marketing agencies; and in conjunction with the implementation of the Loyalty Programme – to Loyalty Point sp. z o.o., whereas this entity processes the data on the basis of a contract with the Controller and exclusively in compliance with the Controller’s instructions.

Do we transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area?

Your personal data will not be transferred to recipients located in countries outside the European Economic Area.

What rights do you have in relation to our processing of your data?

You are entitled to access the content of your data and to correct them, remove them or restrict their processing.

To the extent that the basis for personal data processing is the performance of a contract – you have the right to transfer the provided personal data to another controller.

You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of handling complaints, asserting or defending against claims or for marketing purposes.

To the extent that the basis for data processing is your consent (participation in the Programme, automated data processing) – you have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing, which does not affect the processing of data in accordance with the previously granted consent.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge of personal data protection.

In order to exercise the rights referred to above, you should contact the Data Protection Officer by e-mail at [email protected] or by letter to the address indicated above.

Do you have to provide us with your personal data?

Providing personal data for the purposes of concluding and performing a sales contract is/was voluntary. However, providing such data is a necessary condition for concluding the sales contract. As a consequence of not providing personal data, it is impossible to conclude and then perform the contract.

If required by law, we may require you to provide information necessary, for example, for accounting or tax reasons.

Providing personal data for marketing purposes, including analytical and statistical purposes, is/was voluntary. However, if you do not provide personal data, you will not be able to receive our marketing offer.

Providing personal information is voluntary, yet necessary to participate in the Programme. As a consequence of not providing the personal data indicated in § 4 item 6 of the Loyalty Programme Regulations, it is not possible to participate in the Programme.

The consent referred to in § 4 item 14 of the Regulations to the profiling of personal data is voluntary and has no impact on the participation in the Programme.

Information about automated decision making, including profiling:

The data are used to get to know your shopping preferences, on the basis of which we will be able to prepare offers specially tailored to the individual user.

We will analyse what, where, when and how often is bought in order to be able to give a discount or other promotional offer for the most frequently chosen products or to encourage the consumer to try products that he/she has not yet bought. Special offers include a discount (percentage or quantity), the possibility to extend the basic set or the possibility of receiving the product free of charge.

In connection with automated decision making regarding individual marketing offers of INDIGO products granted to you based on profiling, you have the right to question this decision, express your own position or to ask for human intervention (i.e. analysis of data and human decision making).